Services Offered by SCOPE 310 Authority

Single Point of Entry

SCOPE is the one place that individuals, families, agencies, etc. can come to find out options provided through any agencies/organizations that provide services with Medicaid's Home and Community Based Waivers.  We process all applications for services to entities and maintain the waiting list for services for the three (3) counties served.

Early Intervention

This outstanding program serves children from birth up to age 3.  By providing families with resources, information and supoort, as well as much needed speech, occupational and physical therapy, many of these children leave the program at peer level.  This program is funded through the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services and serves children and their families year round.

Support Coordination

Formerly called case management, this service helps link individuals with needed services.  A Service Coordinator will spend time getting to know the individual and their family.  They will learn the likes, dislikes, dreams, hopes and aspirations.  Then, armed with this knowledge, they set about trying to help them make their dreams a reality.  We provide services in Cullman, Winston, Morgan, Fayette, Lamar, and Walker counties.

Opportunities to learn new skills related to daily living, gain vocational skills or just interact with friends and opportunities to use services in the community accessed by every other citizen to enhance their lives are a part of this process.  Our Service Coordinators are hardworking professionals dedicated to empowering individuals and families.

Residential Services

SCOPE currently operates a number of group homes in three (3) counties.  These homes have 1 to 6 individuals living in them with a 24 hour staff.  In addition to these homes, there are individuals living in their homes, either apartments by themselves or with family that receive in-home support to help them continue to live independently.

Locations of SCOPE 310 Authority

Sara Dinsmore Center

The Sara Dinsmore Center, located in Red Bay and serving Franklin county residents, is a day school for adults.  This program provides continuing educational opportunities in the area of independent living skills and personal development.

Conner Center

Serving Lauderdale and Colbert Counties, the Conner Center is a community based day service centered on inclusion.  Built on this model, learning opportunities in such areas as independent living skills, personal development, along with pre-vocational skills are taught in community based settings with full integration whenever possible. 

Each day participants aim to spend as much of their day in the community as possible involved in a variety of activities.

© Copyright 2014; All Rights Reserved SCOPE 310 Authority; Florence, AL U.S.A
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